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1365 results:

'Wild' Times at the Crop Trust

'Wild' Times at the Crop Trust Marie Haga | Marie's Corner It’s been a particularly “wild” time for many Crop Trust staff recently, with teams heading to far-flung corners of the world - and often…

Maries corner headshot

The Art of the Multilateral Deal

The Art of the Multilateral Deal Luigi Guarino | Crop Trust Director of Science and Programs Imagine I’m your neighbour, and I have something you want, a tool say, to fix your car. Can we come to…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

Measuring Mantras

Measuring Mantras The business guru Peter Drucker was fond of saying that you can’t improve what you can’t measure. It is debatable to what extent conservation resembles business, but…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

A Day at the Crop Trust

A Day at the Crop Trust Marie Haga | Marie's Corner Let me do a different Marie’s corner this time. I’ll give you a peek inside the organization on the morning of a random day – 18th September. After…

Maries corner headshot

Genebanks Are Supposed To Be Forever

Genebanks Are Supposed To Be Forever Luigi Guarino | Director of Science and Programs For as long ahead as we can usefully think, breeders, researchers, and indeed farmers, will need genebanks to…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

Securing the World’s Rice, Forever

Securing the World’s Rice, Forever Marie Haga | Marie's Corner This month was historic for the Crop Trust. For the first time, we agreed to fund a genebank with the longest possible time horizon –…

Maries corner headshot

The Squashes of Autumn, From Domestication to Dessert

The Squashes of Autumn, From Domestication to Dessert Words by Paul Cox for #CropsInColor Photos by Luis Salazar, Crop Trust In a field at dawn, Petra Page-Mann is picking squash. Although…

Photo: Luis Salazar/Crop Trust

Supporting the Application of the FAO Genebank Standards

Supporting the Application of the FAO Genebank Standards Bonnie Furman and Stefano Diulgheroff (FAO) Luigi Guarino (Crop Trust) How do genebank managers know they’re doing all they can to maintain…

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

Chef Dan Barber Talks Deliciousness Through Plant Breeding

Chef Dan Barber Talks Deliciousness Through Plant Breeding Interview and photos: LM Salazar | Crop Trust I met up with world-renowned chef Dan Barber during my recent #CropsInColor trip to the…

Man sat at table with root vegetables

More Than Just Passport Data Now Available on Genesys

More Than Just Passport Data Now Available on Genesys Michael Major, Crop Trust Banner photo: Georgina Smith/CIAT Genesys, the global online portal to information about plant genetic resources for…

Photo: Georgina Smith/CIAT
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