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1364 results:

This Crazy World

Luigi Guarino

Illustration of scientist holding wheat

This Crazy World

This Crazy World Luigi Guarino What you – and they – are looking at is a small fraction of the world’s largest collection of bean diversity. You can admire it, like these guys are doing, at the…

These Rare Seeds Escaped Syria's War—to Help Feed the World

Conflict forced scientists to abandon a gene bank, but not before duplicating their last remnants of essential crops in the Svalbard vault on a remote Arctic island.

A box with seeds from ICARDA's Syrian genebank in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Photo: Luis Salazar/Crop Trust.

The World’s Rice Bowl: Protected in Perpetuity

The World’s Rice Bowl: Protected in Perpetuity Massive rice collection to receive permanent financial backing, saving almost all known varieties of rice crops, forever  (SINGAPORE – 12 October…

The World's "Coolest" Insurance Policy Turns 10

The World's "Coolest" Insurance Policy Turns 10 Marie Haga | Marie's Corner Ten years ago, a group of plant scientists, politicians, engineers, media and more gathered on a snow-covered mountain on…

Maries corner headshot
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