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1365 results:

O Tempo Reports on Crop Diversity and the Seed Vault

O Tempo Reports on Crop Diversity and the Seed Vault O Tempo in Brazil discussed the Svalbard Global Seed Vault and produced an infographic to explain what's inside. ‘Arca de Noé’ na Noruega tenta…

SciDevNet Covers DivSeek

SciDevNet Covers DivSeek SciDevNet explores how 'DivSeek project aims to uncover crops’ hidden genetic data' A wealth of plant genetic data that could help develop more-resilient and…

The Daily Meal on the DivSeek Initiative

The Daily Meal on the DivSeek Initiative The Daily Meal reports on DivSeek "International Partnership Creating Biodiversity Database" Agricultural gene banks' stores of seeds and organic…

Bonn Voices Interviews Marie Haga

Bonn Voices Interviews Marie Haga Bonn Voices reports on the Crop Trust: Ensuring food security, adapting to climate change, safeguarding biodiversity, protecting nutritional security, reducing…

Executive Director of the Crop Trust, Marie Haga, visits the International Potato Center in Peru.

Wired: Svalbard's Icy Vault Welcomes First Tree Seeds

Wired: Svalbard's Icy Vault Welcomes First Tree Seeds reports on the deposit of tree seeds to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in February 2015. The Global Seed Vault on the island of…

Video: Newsy on the February 2015 Deposit to the Seed Vault

Video: Newsy on the February 2015 Deposit to the Seed Vault reports on the most recent deposit to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in February 2015.

BBC: Forest Tree Seeds Arrive at Svalbard's 'Doomsday Vault'

BBC: Forest Tree Seeds Arrive at Svalbard's 'Doomsday Vault' BBC's Mark Kinver reports on the recent deposit of forest tree seeds and more to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. The Svalbard "doomsday"…

In Brazil: Embrapa E Crop Trust Assinam Acordo

In Brazil: Embrapa E Crop Trust Assinam Acordo In the Brazilian Press: The Crop Trust and Embrapa to collaborate in crop wild relative project. O presidente da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa…

CropTrust Embrapa sign CWR Agreement in Brasilia

CULTURES: Agro-biodiversity & Food Security

CULTURES: Agro-biodiversity & Food Security Crop Trust Board member, and President of EMBRAPA, Mauricio Antonio Lopes, Ph.D., contributes to the ASM publication with an article entitled:…

Europolitics: Europe’s Response to a Global Challenge

Europolitics: Europe’s Response to a Global Challenge Marie Haga wrote an opinion article fot the web portal Europolitics on the necessity for the European Commission and the EU member states to…

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