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1363 results:

A Global Conservation Strategy for Crops in the Cucurbitaceae Family

A global conservation strategy for crops in the Cucurbitaceae family was published in 2023 (Global Crop Diversity Trust 2023, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.769652). This document, developed with the…

A Global Rescue Plan for Fruit and Vegetable Diversity

A Global Rescue Plan for Fruit and Vegetable Diversity Charting a path forward to conserve precious genetic resources for future food options. Food plants contribute an astonishing array of colors,…

A Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Capsicum Genetic Resources

A Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Capsicum Genetic Resources was published in 2022 (Global Crop Diversity Trust 2022). This document, developed with the input of a large number of…

A Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Citrus Genetic Resources

A global strategy for the conservation and use of citrus genetic resources was published in 2023 (Global Crop Diversity Trust 2023, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7757226). This document, developed with the…

A guiding light for global crop conservation

Global Crop Conservation Strategies guide global conservation of genetic resources for key crops. In 2022, five new strategies and two updated strategies were completed and three others were in the…

A Haven of Diversity

A Haven of Diversity For International Day of the Tropics, we're taking a look at a genebank for pacific crops and trees. When we talk about the Svalbard Global Seed Vault being the tip of the…

A Helping Hand to Reboot Seed Conservation in the Philippines

A Helping Hand to Reboot Seed Conservation in the Philippines Crop diversity is humanity’s lifeline. If we want to ensure our future food security, it must be protected. Genebanks contribute to this…

A Homecoming for Rice

A Homecoming for Rice AfricaRice will open its new genebank later this year, in Mbe, Côte d’Ivoire, more than a decade after the center re-located to Benin during a civil war. But first, all its rice…

Marie-Noelle Ndjiondjop with packets of rice samples in the AfricaRice genebank in Mbe. Photo: Neil Palmer/Crop Trust

A Legend Retires: Jane Toll

A Legend Retires: Jane Toll On the 23rd of October 1987, a young crop collector named Jane Toll was taking part in a collecting mission in central Chad, helping the staff of the young country’s…

A Little Wild in Our Rice

A Little Wild in Our Rice Scientists are collaborating with farmers in Vietnam in a new project which is striving to develop improved varieties of rice which can withstand the challenges of climate…

Almost two-thirds of the world’s population depend on rice as part of their daily sustenance. In Vietnam’s Mekong Delta, rice is harvested two or three times a year, and 80% of the 17 million people who live there are engaged in rice cultivation. During a recent Crop Wild Relatives visit, Crop Trust, IRRI and NMBU representatives consumed it steamed, puffed, in flakes, as noodles, as wine, to mention just a few of the ways the Vietnamese enjoy this staple crop. Photo: L.M. Salazar
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