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1364 results:

Building Capacity in Collecting and Conserving Crop Wild Relatives

Building Capacity in Collecting and Conserving Crop Wild Relatives How do you go about finding and collecting seeds from a scraggly looking crop wild relative in a prairie or a tropical forest, when…

“Genetic resources safeguarded in a genebank are useful only if they are accompanied by data that is easy to access and can be trusted,” says Juan Carlos Alarcón, the GRIN-Global Frontrunner, who is pictured here far right with representatives from (L to R) Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay. “The management of information is indispensable to safeguard the diversity of our crops. And, more importantly, to make it available to potential users.”


Bulgaria has a population of over 7 million. Agriculture accounts for less than one-tenth of the national income of Bulgaria. Cereal crops are grown on almost three-fifths of the sown land. Wheat is…

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has a population of over 19.5 million. About nine-tenths of the population is engaged in subsistence agriculture or livestock raising. The majority of agricultural production consists…


Burundi, a landlocked country, has a population of over 11 million. Agriculture is the country’s main industry, with industrial activities accounting for less than one-fourth of the GDP. Coffee, in…

C'est La Richesse

C'est La Richesse Of humanity’s essential food crops, perhaps none is less honored than Phaseolus vulgaris, labeled in both Latin and English as the “common bean”. Although it is certainly common,…

Calling All Coffee Lovers: Let's Save Coffee Together

Calling All Coffee Lovers: Let's Save Coffee Together Friday, 29 September 2017 – Starting  today and culminating on Sunday, 1 October 2017, the 77 Member States of the…


Cameroon has a population of over 24 million. Cameroon’s economy depends heavily on the sale of its products on the world market. Fluctuations in the global prices of its primary goods—petroleum and…


Did you know there are more than 1,000 types of bananas? The wealth of food diversity in the world is amazing – but we're losing it every day. And what's more, we're not even using all the…


The Crop Trust, along with its strategic partners, is developing conservation strategies to protect the genetic diversity of the world’s food crops. This initiative is funded by the German Federal…



Global strategy for the conservation and use of Capsicum genetic resources: summary for ITPGRFA stakeholders This document is a concise summary of the Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of…

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